Watermelon juice – excellent sports drink

Watermelon – great source of Vitamin A and alkalizing electrolytes!

Hello awesome friends!

Today, I want to tell you about watermelon, as it’s now approaching watermelon season. Watermelon is mostly water – about 91.5%. It has ton of vitamins and minerals our body appreciates. It contains a large amount of Vitamin A which is so good for our eyes and kidneys. Just give you an idea, a smallest watermelon, which is about 700g, provides us with ~4,000 IU of Vitamin A.  It also has good amount of Vitamin C which is needed  for our skin, teeth and gum, hair, and healing wounds and scars.


Makes an excellent sports drink16319-a-young-woman-drinking-water-during-exercise-pv

Did you know watermelon makes an excellent substitute for sports drink? It’s because watermelon has lots of natural alkalizing electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In addition, watermelon’s high water content is naturally hydrating to our body. The glucose in watermelon also replenishes the muscle glycogen that was used up during workout.


Contains alkalizing minerals

You probably know that 99% of the body’s calcium is contained in our bone and teeth. What about magnesium and potassium? Magnesium is mostly stored  in our muscles, and it’s important for the nerve functions and keeps our bone strong.  When we sweat, we also need to replenish our body with potassium.


We need to replenish minerals after workout

When we work out, our body generates extra hydrogen ion and lactic acid in our muscles, making our body more acidic. In an effort to normalize the blood’s pH level, our body uses the alkalizing minerals. Therefore, it’s very important to replenish our body with alkalizing electrolytes/minerals right after exercising (and during the endurance sports). Otherwise, calcium and magnesium will be leached out from our bone and muscles.


Use watermelon juice as a sports drink!

So during or after any sports – running, swimming, biking, hiking, walking, etc., or after just regular daily workout, take watermelon juice or watermelon smoothie. (You can make watermelon smoothie by blending it in a blender with tiny bit of water.)

Instead of those unhealthy sports drinks which contain a high amount of unhealthy sugar, have yourself, your kids and your spouse drink watermelon juice, watermelon smoothie, or eat watermelon after playing sports.


Your body will surely appreciate it!

Mimi Shekoski, PhD, Natural Health & Holistic Nutrition Doctor | Natural Vision Teacher



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