How to heal cold or flu in 2-3 days Or prevent for good

When holidays are over, many people get sick with cold or flu. The main reason? It’s not so much the wintertime blues… It’s most likely because those delicious holiday meals (and/or the stress if you are a mom) lowered your immunity, if you can believe that…

As a person who has not caught a cold, flu or has not been sick with anything for over 10 years, I’ll share with you the secret of staying healthy so you look and feel fabulous all year, every year!


The secret to increasing immunity so you don’t catch cold or flu

We get sick with illnesses (including cancer) and catch cold or flu when our immunity is low. What weakens our immune system? A weakened immune system can be caused by poor digestion, lack of vital antioxidants, overuse of antibiotics, chronic infections, certain drugs, surgeries, cancer treatments, stress, lack of sleep, intestinal sepsis, and heavy-metal toxicity.  Yes, cancer treatments weakens your immune system; antibiotics lowers your immunity; flu-shot contains mercury which is one of the worst heavy metals for our health! But that’s what conventional doctors order when you catch cold or flu…go figure!


Here’s what you can do to prevent cold or flu for good

  1. Detox your colon once or twice a year. That’s how healthy people including myself and yourself stay super-healthy. This reverses your age making you look and feel fabulous at any age, as well as keeping you fit.

(By the way, my short book “Lose Stubborn Weight” talks about how to lose unwanted pounds, stay fit and super healthy in 28 days. Now this book is in both Kindle eBook AND Paperback. You can order at Amazon…. It’s about an hour reading, nice and short yet very informative, inspiring, with compelling stories :-))

  1. Eat digestion friendly foods (What are digestion friendly foods?  Very simple, they are listed in my book as well as some nutritious recipes)


If you caught a cold or flu or sinus-infection, how to get rid of it in 2-3 days?

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  1. Are you eliminating well? If not, then do things that make you go. 
  2. Drink lots of water, especially first things in the morning and throughout the day.
  3. Avoid animal foods (meat and dairy as they contain no fiber and hard to digest) and white stuff (sugar, flour, white rice as they get glued to your intestinal walls).
  4. Consume lots of fresh juice, fruits and vegetables.
  5. Get a goodnight’s sleep.
  6. If you are a YoungLiving user, make the following capsule (YL-version of antibiotic) and take 2-3 times a day in empty stomach. They take gunk out of your body; increase your immunity; and kill bacteria, fungus & virus.

In an empty capsule, add

  • 10 drops of Thieves oil (Thieves oil contains Clove oil, Lemon peel oil, Cinnamon bark oil, Eucalyptus oil, and Rosemary oil)
  • 6 drops of Oregano oil
  • 2 drops of Frankincense oil (can replace with Lemon oil)

(If you’re new to YLEO and need some help, please contact Louise Harvey, she will be happy to help you.)



Hope this helps. Many people followed the above simple guidelines and got rid of their cold or flu in no time; or better yer, got motivated doing annual detox by reading my book to prevent colds/flu and stay super healthy for good.


Very healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year!!!

Mimi Shekoski, PhD, Natural Health & Holistic Nutrition Doctor | Natural Vision Teacher 



Posted in Anti-Aging, Disease Prevention, Immunity, Natural Healing, Therapeutic Essential Oils and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , .

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