Compromised Immunity – Why?

What weakens the immune system

Our immune system is made up of the skin, spleen, thymus, circulatory vessels, and lymph system. This system works together to vigorously defend us from disease-causing micro-organisms and other “foreign” substances. Weakened immune responses can permit various disease to develop and make people more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.

What weakens the immune system? When I ask this question many people say it is the “lack of vitamin-C.” I wish it was that simple! A weakened immune system can be caused by poor diet, lack of nutrients, overuse of antibiotics, chronic infections, certain drugs, surgeries, cancer treatments, stress, lack of sleep, sepsis, and heavy-metal toxicity.

Now let’s talk about three factors related to the digestive system which decrease our immunity.


Three factors related to the digestive systemimmunity

(1) The first factor starts when food is not digested well. Then the nutrients aren’t delivered to the immunity-building organs and living cells, as a result, our immunity will decrease.

(2) The second factor to weaken our immune systems is the auto-intoxication we talked about earlier, when our bodies get chronically flooded with toxins generated from the intestines.

(3) The third factor involves sepsis where the waste products from ulcerous tissue or diseased sacs in the colon become septic because they are unable to drain. This septic waste is then re-absorbed into the bloodstream to poison the blood. Sepsis can be life-threatening and is one of the most damaging infections to our immunity. (According to the Sepsis Alliance, 258,000 people die from the 1.6 million reported cases in the U.S. every year.)


What’s so important for a strong immune system?

Now you know why having a healthy colon is so important for a strong immune system. When you have a healthy colon, your immune system can perform and you don’t catch common ailments such as colds, flu’s, and other viruses going around. I traveled overseas when the bird and swine flu were going around, and while some airports posted huge signs warning of the flu, and some people wore white masks (and some coughed and sneezed right in my face), my family and I stayed healthy. It was all thanks to our strong immune systems!


What you can do

I wrote a BOOK talking about all this. When you read this book, you will understand more about the connection between the immunity, digestion-friendly foods, and the health of our digestive organs. You can get more info on the book here…


Lots of love to you all,

Mimi Shekoski, PhD, Natural Health & Holistic Nutrition Doctor | Natural Vision Teacher



Posted in Anti-Aging, Disease Prevention, Immunity, Natural Healing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .